RIDASCREEN® Spec. IgG Foodscreen

RIDASCREEN® Spec. IgG Foodscreen detects delayed food allergies. This precise and reliable ELISA test identifies specific IgG antibodies to particular foods in human blood.
RIDASCREEN® Spec. IgG Foodscreen is an enzyme immunoassay for the detection of specific IgG antibodies against 271 food antigens in human blood. The test is a diagnostic aid in cases of suspected IgG-mediated food hypersensitivities. Problem foods can then be eliminated from the patient’s diet. RIDASCREEN® Spec. IgG Foodscreen provides pre-coated plates in a modular format offering the patients different tests to choose from.
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Plates in a modular system – choose the test that best suits your patient:
Advantages of RIDASCREEN® Spec. IgG Foodscreen
The precise and reliable RIDASCREEN® Spec. IgG Foodscreen test offers many advantages: